Scraphappy November – charity sewing

In October 2020 I was alerted to a charity called Perfectly Preemie requesting tiny baby clothes and baby sheets for the local hospital’s neonatal department. I decided to help out using my scraps and fabric remnants and turn them into sheets. The requested sheets were supposed to be double sided with a waffle-like cotton on the back. I didn’t have that type of fabric, so I decided to put some tops together and donate those right away, so somebody else could add the waffle back.

I was lucky to dig up just enough squares from 5″ stacks that I could create a whole bunch of these small (partial) sheets.

It was quite fun to find fabrics that would work together when I ran out of the 5″ squares. When I continued with larger pieces of fabric, I applied the well-known trip-around-the-world technique which sped up the whole process.

As you can see from the photos, I did topstitch the seams just to make it look nicer and make sure that the seams wouldn’t come apart with frequent washing.

A whole stack of these partial sheets were donated to the charity. I don’t know who finished them or who received the sheets.

When I had cut out the fabrics for those sheets, I discovered that I had more fabric that I could use, but sadly not that much time. I put the fabric stacks aside. This year I picked up the trip-around-the-world idea again and put some actual quilts together. I practiced my Ribbon Candy freemotion on these small quilts, while focussing on different aspects of that freemotion pattern.

I am planning something special regarding the freemotion patterns… I will let you know soon!

I did have some trouble with the micro handles (low handles and near the quilt top) on my Hand Quilter Avante Longarm. One of the screws didn’t want to tighten anymore and the handles became wobbly. I have taken them back to the shop where I bought them. I hope I will get them back within a month.

Even with the wobbly handles, I managed to put 4 small quilts together this week and expect to do some more in the upcoming weeks. The plan is to donate the quilts before Christmas.

I will have to do another search for fabric that I could use for the binding. Let’s prepare for a deep dive into the fabric pile. 🤣



p.s. Linking up with Scrap Happy on Kate’s blog. You may want to check the other participants’ scrappy ideas out:

KateGun, EvaSue, Lynn, Lynda,
Birthe, Turid, Susan, Cathy,  Tracy, Jill,
Claire, JanMoira, SandraChrisAlys,
KerryClaireJeanJon, DawnJule,
Gwen, Bekki, Sunny, Kjerstin, Sue L,
Vera, NanetteAnn, Dawn 2, Bear,
Carol, Preeti, EdithDebbierose 

11 thoughts on “Scraphappy November – charity sewing

  1. Wonderful use for your scraps. I always enjoy seeing your quilting. I hope the handles come back soon and perfect.

  2. Very very beautiful! I crochet/knit blankies for our NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit). The little blankies are almost doll-sized. Easily made with one skein and an afternoon. It’s a great thing to do! Shalom, Bear

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